First Time?! Register your family
for Crosspoint Kids (birth to 5th grade)
on Saturday night 5:45 pm or Sunday morning 10:45 am service.
Visit with us on YouTube and Facebook! (Live on Sundays at 10:45 am).
What to Expect
We're excited to have you join us. You will be welcomed by one of our smiling greeters and they will show you around and answer any questions. If you have children, they will love our Children’s Ministry, Crosspoint Kids. When you get here, just stop by the kiosks and we will get your kiddo checked in and ready for fun. If you have 6th–8th graders, make sure to check out our youth service.
Our Service
We usually start our hour and 15 minute service with a time of high-energy worship (not your grandma’s worship— but bring her, she’s welcome too!). After we sing, one of our pastors will teach a thought-provoking and engaging message out of the Bible. Then we usually sing a little more while taking communion and giving our offerings. After worship, feel free to hang around, say hi to new friends, and ask questions.
Where to Park
We have permission from several businesses in the area to use their parking lots over the weekend. The yellow arrows on the map below show the most convenient parking.

Now what?
After you've checked us out, the next step is to get connected! Regardless of where you are in your journey, there is a next step for you. It could start by joining a Small Group, serving in a ministry at the church, giving to support the vision of Crosspoint, or joining us regularly. Whatever you choose, it's our prayer to see you become fully connected at Crosspoint and further discovering and following Jesus!
Meet and Greet
Once in a while we host a Meet and Greet for those that are checking out Crosspoint. It’s a quick and informal way for you to grab a light lunch or dinner and meet the leaders of Crosspoint! Dates and registration are available on our Events page.
Next Steps
Join us this weekend for powerful worship and honest, practical teaching. Our passion is that you get connected with God and with other people on the same journey. This is our hope and prayer for you: that you would experience real life found only in Jesus.
SAT at 5:45 pm | SUN at 9 & 10:45 am